Saturday, February 19, 2011

Why Hello, Social Networks!

Who needs "friends"?  We all do!  Connections, communities, resources, friends-call them what you will-social networks provide a wealth of opportunity to interact with others without geographical restraint.  Professionally, my social networks offer links to current publications, organizations, and people both related to and involved in the field of education.  Shared newsfeeds and research will assist in staying updated on ideas and conversations taking place in the educational realm; the people themselves will serve as an integral part of both processing and challenging new information and ideas.  I anticipate my social networks serving as a form of ongoing, self-directed professional development which will challenge my current ideas about education.  Additionally, social networks provide an avenue for discussion among others from a variety of experience levels and interest areas.  Personally, social networks enable continued interactions with friends and family residing in a variety of locations.  Similarly, social networks certainly offer personal benefits to students by connecting them to their friends.  Additionally, social networks establish a medium by which students can grow from interaction on a global level with students in other cities, states, and countries broadening perspectives.  Student, adult, professional, or personal, like any community or resource, social networks require an investment of time and a level of engagement to be beneficial and develop connections.

1 comment:

  1. Your idea of social networking serving as "ongoing, self-directed professional development" really opens the door to receiving a wealth of information!
