Sunday, April 10, 2011

Universal Design for Learning-Educator Checklist

UDL Educator Checklist

The checklist linked above considers the lesson Multiplying and Dividing Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers.  Each of the nine guidelines was considered with the corresponding checkpoints.  With the lesson plan in mind, I read through each set of checkpoints and the provided examples.  After thinking about the provided examples and searching for evidence in support of the UDL guidelines and checkpoints within the lesson, I made note of things that emerged as features and barriers.  I color-coded the features in green and the barriers in red.  In one case I noted both a related feature and barrier for a particular checkpoint.  The list is not exhaustive of all features and barriers within the lesson; the noted features and barriers were the initial ideas that came to mind while considering the guidelines and checkpoints provided. 

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