Friday, June 10, 2011

Part B: Storyboard and Script

During our web conferencing session, our group divided up the aspects of Jing to include in the tutorial.  The four main features of Jing to explain included:  screen capture, editing images, capturing video, and sharing images and videos.  In addition, an introduction to include information pertaining to where and how to download Jing would be presented initially.  Each group member left the conferencing session with the task to create the storyboard for one of the features of Jing.

Our storyboard was created using Google Documents.  Google Documents offered our group the opportunity to collaborate and provide feedback on each member's contributions.  Additionally, using Google Documents provided the group with a "big picture" view of our tutorial since each member worked individually to present one aspect of Jing.  A template created for our storyboard provided a space for the visual description, narration, interactions and transitions, as well as notes for each individual slide or scene to be recorded in the tutorial.  Additionally, the slide provided a space for the title or description of the storyboard scene as well as a slide number to arrange the order of the information for our tutorial.  Each page includes the corresponding script and narration for each slide.  Our final tutorial will be created using screencast-o-matic.  Notes under the visual area will allow Rachel to display and demonstrate the necessary steps listed.  Each slide notes the inclusion of a transition between slides consistent with those in the tutorial.  After Rachel compiles the visual information, I will use screencast-o-matic to record the tutorial with the narration.

My contribution to the storyboard include the three introduction slides which demonstrate where to download Jing for free as well as running the installation and registering for a screencast account.  I also contributed the slides titled editing images.  These four slides demonstrate to users where to find Jing's editing tools, what the editing tools include, and how to use the tools on a captured image.  Rachel contributed the storyboards titled: how to start capturing the desired screen area, selection being made, and screen area has been made and will be captured.  Spike created the storyboard titled video screen shot.  Bill contributed the four slides titled sharing with Jing.

The remaining tasks include the creation of the slides for the tutorial.  Slides will be created using powerpoint and saved as image files for use in the tutorial.  Rachel will compile the images for powerpoint slides from the content contributed to the storyboard.  I am recording and narrating the tutorial and will then distribute the tutorial.

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous looking storyboard, Group 1!! It looks like your group is ready to move onto the next phase in the production process – recording. Before you begin recording, I would like to suggest that you skip the PPT and use Screencast to do a "live" recording of Jing in action. I have placed a notes in your portfolio as to how one might accomplish the task. As I was reading through the storyboard I began wondering about a couple of things: What tone of voice you will be using for the narration and how will you end your presentation? Will there be some type of closing statement or conclusion. You may want to consider adding this to the storyboard, so that the person, who is doing the narrating, doesn’t have to come up with something at the last second. I’m looking forward with great anticipation, to watching your Jing screencast next week. Fabulous team work, here=8-)
